Aug 12, 2013
The Rules Of The Internet - The Rules The Rules Of The Internet - The Rules. Rule 1: Do not talk about rules 2-33. Rule 34: If it exists there IS porn of it. Rule 35: The exception to rule #34 is the citation of rule #34. Rule 36: Anonymous does not forgive. Rule 37: There are no girls on the internet. Rule 38: A cat is fine too. 15 Fundamental Laws of the Internet - Exception Not Found Nov 14, 2016
No wonder the recent Disney film Ralph Breaks the Internet featured this as the "First rule of the Internet: never read the comments.” Why does this kind of abuse happen so frequently? Sometimes
No wonder the recent Disney film Ralph Breaks the Internet featured this as the "First rule of the Internet: never read the comments.” Why does this kind of abuse happen so frequently? Sometimes
First Rule | Broadcast | Live to Network in Nanoseconds
Full text of "Rules of the Internet." See other formats 1. Do not talk about /b/ 2. Do NOT talk about /b/ 3. We are Anonymous 4. Anonymous is legion 5. Anonymous never forgives 6. Anonymous can be a horrible, senseless, uncaring monster 7. Anonymous is still … Remember the human: The first rule of netiquette