May 19, 2017

Sep 06, 2016 'Halal' internet means more control in Iran after unrest The idea of Iran setting up its own "halal," or "permissible," internet first came in 2011 in the wake of the 2009 protests. It's evolved into what's known as the National Information Network. It is essentially a net neutrality supporter's nightmare: The network has some 500 government-approved national websites that stream content far faster Halal Internet? Islamic browser promises better web Jan 28, 2019

It is a personal Internet or “Halal Internet” based on “intelligent filtering.” The speed and bandwidth on this national Intranet may well be higher than those currently available to Iran’s Internet users but they will be used to provide more propaganda, not independently reported news and information or freely gathered data.

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Mar 02, 2020 · “The way HP technology was assembled and integrated on TCI’s infrastructure indicates that HP is a central building block of Iran’s ‘halal Internet’,” Reflets founder, the French

Halal internet? Islamic browser SalamWeb promises better web experience for Muslims. Yudith Ho 28 January, 2019 3:12 pm IST. Facebook. Twitter. Linkedin. Email. WhatsApp.