Oct 27, 2017

Feb 08, 2019 Top 10 Ways to Protect Your Online Identity | Utica College With the rise in use of social media sites and networks, people are making more personal information available to the online world, making it more difficult to protect valuable data. Fortunately, there are a variety of ways to protect your own online identity and personal information. How to Protect Your Personal Information Online | Vista

Oct 26, 2016

Oct 27, 2017

How to Protect Your Personal Information Online

Online Safety Tips: Protecting Your Personal Information Likewise, on the Internet, no one knows your age, gender, address, phone number, or other personal information unless you reveal that directly or indirectly. While it could be fun to take on the persona of someone you are not and pretend with someone else via e-mail or chat, it can have grave consequences. Protect Your Personal Information Online, Avoid Phishing How to protect your personal information online While most of us look forward to the holidays as a time to give thanks, reconnect with family and friends and reflect on the past year, scammers and hackers see this busy time as an opportunity to catch you with your guard down. NetSafe Episode 11: Protect Your Personal Information