There are many torrent client available only but most of us rely on famous uTorrent. Our users have asked us about how we can get the maximum download speed even on slow connections. Well, the simple thing says that the download speed depends on the connection speed but some time few torrents can give very low download speed.

The Best QBittorrent Settings for Faster Downloads Mar 20, 2020 How to Increase Torrent Download Speed • TechLila May 30, 2018 5+ Legit Ways to Increase Torrent Download Speed | TechLatest Jun 29, 2020 How to Speed Up uTorrent Downloads ( 2020 ) | Increase

Download Speed: 13 Ways to Increase Your Internet Speed

Mar 26, 2020 How to Increase uTorrent, BitTorrent Download Speed Dec 31, 2011 Increase download speed - VuzeWiki

it depends on your upload speed but I recommend to limit your upload speed to 1mb if your upload is lower than 1mb you should use 80% make sure to get a torrent with high number of seeders/peers don't have any other programs that use a lot of bandwith buy better internet from your isp

How to get max torrent speed [Solved] - CCM May 17, 2020 How To Increase Torrent Download Speed 2019 - Latest Gadgets Nov 02, 2019