Jun 03, 2020 · The internet can be an incredible tool when used properly. However, there are criminals out there who have found ways to use it for unsavory purposes. By practicing good internet safety, you can continue protecting your finances. For more internet safety tips, check out our cybersecurity awareness series. On April 10, 2019, the Chinese Ministry of Public Security (MPS) published, on the official website of the MPS Cyber Security Protection Bureau, the finalized Guideline for Internet Personal Information Security Protection after soliciting public comments since last November. The National Cyber Security Alliance builds strong public/private partnerships to create and implement broad-reaching cybersecurity education and awareness efforts to empower users at home, work and school with the information they need to keep themselves, their organizations, their systems and their sensitive information safe and secure online and encourage a culture of good cyber hygiene. Protecting Personal Information It’s fun to share information about yourself with the world! However, certain kinds of information should be kept personal. Here, we’ll go over what information is OK to share online, and what is NOT. Types of information you can share: You can share some information like your first name or your gender. Agency focuses on cybersecurity awareness during National Work and Family Month. IR-2019-175, October 22, 2019. WASHINGTON – The Internal Revenue Service today urged families and teens to stay vigilant in protecting personal information while connected to the internet.

With more and more of our identities taking shape on social media, protecting our personal information on these sites has become more important than ever. Here are several ways to keep your personal information safe while still enjoying the benefits of making social media connections: 1. Treat the “about me” fields as optional.

Member States that have some type of government-sponsored initiative on Internet safety (47%), the vast majority also specifically direct efforts at protecting children (93%). However, there is much room for growth as less than a quarter (22%) of responding countries legally require the use of “safety tools” in Apr 08, 2012 · Internet users often express concern about their personal information being shared and sometimes sold, even when they provide the information themselves. They want to be able to decide what information is private and control what is shared, and they want to keep their information from being used in ways they did not intend. Internet safety is the practice of following actionable guidelines, understanding modern technology, and protecting your digital devices so you can defend against the malicious parts of the online world. This section of the DHS website provides information about cyber threats, how to act against and protect yourself from such threats, and how to promote awareness of cyber security. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) The FTC site provides information about consumer safety, Internet privacy, and online safety for children.

The Information Commissioner's Office is the UK's independent authority based around upholding personal information rights. The internet is a great resource for children in both learning and social interaction, and as more young people start using it at an earlier age, it becomes vital to teach them about protecting their information online. In recent years, numerous issues have arisen around the way enterprises treat their users’ information. Personal data is processed for political and economic reasons without users’ consent, as happened in the Cambridge Analytica scandal. IBM estimates that the cost of a data breach involving more than 50 million records is $350M. Jun 03, 2020 · The internet can be an incredible tool when used properly. However, there are criminals out there who have found ways to use it for unsavory purposes. By practicing good internet safety, you can continue protecting your finances. For more internet safety tips, check out our cybersecurity awareness series.