A subnet mask defines which chunk of an IP address is the host ID and which portion is the subnet network ID. This trick is accomplished using a subnet mask, another 32-bit number. A subnet mask works like a filter with the mask identifying the IP address bits that represent the network ID with a 1, and the bits that represent the host ID with a 0.

8 Steps to Understanding IP Subnetting - Techopedia.com 2020-7-21 · Note that this combination of IP addresses and subnet masks in the charts are written as two separate values, such as Network Address =, Mask =, or as an IP address with the number of bits indicated as being used for the mask, like Subnet masks work because of the magic of Boolean logic. To best What is an IP Address? - dummies 2020-7-5 · An IP address is assigned to every computer on an Ethernet network. Like the street address for your home, an IP address identifies network computers. It helps traffic flow between computers because each one has its own IP address. An IP address is formatted as a series of four values separated by periods: Each […] IP Subnet Calculator

2020-1-30 · Properly create subnets. Don’t scramble for new IPs later with Subnet Calculator. CIDR notation made easy. Simple | Smart | 100% Free | Trusted by 6M IT Pros

Unmasking the Subnet Mask for the CCNA Exam - dummies 2020-7-16 · 2. The default standard Class C subnet mask is and its binary equivalent is 11111111 11111111 11111111 00000000. 3. When these two binary numbers (the IP address and the subnet mask) are combined using Boolean algebra (anding), the network ID of the destination network is the result: 11001110 10101111 10100010 00010101 IP subnetting made easy - TechRepublic

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IP Addresses, Subnet Masks, and Default Gateways | Network